"Though I know there are TONS more audio files
available on the net for Sailor Moon, I've picked ones that are relevant to either Sailor
Saturn or Sailor SunFire and a couple that I just like. :) Enjoy. If you listen to the
SunFire MP3s, I'd REALLY like to hear what you think of them. Let me know!
OH!! One final note.. if you are going to use any of the Saturn files on your site, DO NOT
LINK DIRECTLY TO MY PAGE! Save them yourself. I will change the filenames if I find links
to my servers and I will be cranky ;) Thanks."
* Sailor Saturn/Moon *Sailor SunFire/CyberWarlock
* Sailor Moon music and sound
files © 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation and associated musical
and voice character artists.
SunFire music and sound files © 2001 Aerik Watson/CyberWarlock's Webmagick.